Ugly Duckling Friends

I recently wrote a piece on how female friendship is one of the most valuable things about being a woman. Then my kids reminded me of what friendship is like when you’re a teen.

Wasted Youth

Thanks to social media, many of us are in touch with people we may not have seen for over half of our lives. We follow their carefully curated stories and wonder if their lives are anything like those they show to the world (Don’t pretend I’m the only cynic – I know you wonder too).... Continue Reading →


There was a time when middle-aged women would melt into the shadows. Many would adjust their elasticated skirts, sit down in the darkest corner of the room and watch men continue to perform in the sunshine. Folding their hands in their laps, they closed their mouths and let the next generation turn their faces to... Continue Reading →

Naked Ambition

I want to want to take my clothes off There was a beach, I have a body, so I was beach body ready, right? I’m ashamed to admit that, on holiday, that’s not how I felt at all. I’m ashamed because I have two daughters who I should be setting a better example for. The... Continue Reading →

Getting it off my Chest

My friends are getting new boobs, and it’s getting right on my... I have enormous breasts. It wasn’t always the case, I was that lanky adolescent who was mocked for having shuttle-cock shaped nipples instead of boobs, but a bit of weight gain and a hearty dose of hormone treatment (I’ll tell you about that... Continue Reading →

My Friends Are Electric

Today I am feeling the love. It could be because I had a great evening at the theatre last night, but I think it’s more likely to be because I went there with my clever, funny, sparkling friend. This glow is not a one off. Now, at the grand old age of forty-nine, I am... Continue Reading →

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